Being in the position of an employer in India, it can be a tough call to differentiate the truth from the lie and to pick up genuine talent from the lot of faked ones.

When you find the “just right” candidate and then interview them, chances are high (mind you: experience is mandatory) that all of what is mentioned on the resume is a lie and perhaps the only truth is their name!

We have, in the past, found people mentioning incorrect educational qualifications or tweaking the credentials in one form or the other.Taking a tough stance, we decided against continuing with such employees.

We have over the past several months, tightened our reference checks and are no longer recruiting employees without a clear reference check using a land line and a conversation with their HR managers/someone up the heirarchy. We intend on further tightening this up and checking on the kind of projects that they mention having completed on their resumes.

I was notified that most of our ex-employees have faked their resume in one way or the other when they wanted to move to another organization. Some of the typical “enhancements” are:

– Incorrect designation.
– Incorrect project responsibilities to the extent that the projects that all they did was to hear of them were mentioned on their resumes.
– Technological know-how: “Anything that you hear of is what you know of”- seems like this is the trend amongst new job seekers.

Polishing what you know and marketing yourself is not bad at all – however, telling a lie to an extent when it could spoil the employee’s career and be a black spot for life, may be just too heavy a price to pay!

Besides, we as employers, need to ensure ethical hiring policies and be united. After all, what goes around comes around too!

Something to think about – food for thought!

More on this later – time to work! 🙂