We were full of nerves the night before. Could not sleep in excitement. A day-out at Pratapgarh Farms appeared like the perfect excuse for Vinove Family to have a day-out. We all turned up sharp at 8.00 in the morning; all game to set ourselves free in all the positive spirits.
The fun began as soon as we stepped up onto the bus. It was full of leg-pulling sessions, mimicries, songs, and acts. We continued until we reached the picnic spot. Soon, all got down from the bus excited and shrieked at the beautiful sight of green and raw, yet amazing PratapGrah farms.
Amazed at the view, we entered the farms followed by a “Grand Welcome” by the local staff, that left us all surprised and elated in awe. We were almost celebrities for them. Our hands were full of Bouquets accompanies by a Royal Tilak adding the flavor to our personality. We were hungry, so we headed towards a small classic ‘Shack’ that managed to accomodate our group and served delicious Breakfast.
Without any delay, we decided to hit the ball. We marched in groups to explore all the less-known things about the farm. We chilled out and unwinded; played some sports later, including Table Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton, etc followed by a Camel Ride that set the mood. The weather got awesome by the day, it was about to rain. We could feel the breeze, sprinkles of water droplets on our face, with a pinch of nature at the Farms. While talking and walking, we heard some Folk Music being played alongside the fench, which got us to run towards and dance.
We wasted no more time; danced to the tunes of the local music, grooved till the last breath; but saved some breath for the Final Event of the day, the Reward and Recognition Ceremony addressed by Mr. Parvesh Agarwal himself. He thoroughly called upon the Outstanding performers of the year and handed over the Awards. He further continued interaction with all the teams and got us to participate in the conversation. It was great listening to his words of wisdom.
Then, it was time for Lunch – with some free flowing water from the Heaven, followed by the DJ, where we got another chance to move and groove to some typical Bollywood and Punjabi numbers. People got a chance to show their skills at the Pottery, while some showed-off their wild side at the Mud Bath.
Finally, it was time to say Good-bye to PratapGarh Farms at 4.30 p.m. But we had already made the most of the day. We clicked lots of photographs; could see wide grins, laughters and smiles all around. We could not have asked for a better Saturday.
Thanks to Vinove Family for adding another Great memory to our Life.