As promised, in our earlier post we are going to tell you about our next activity we carried out recently as a part of our CSR Program. This time we have made donation in a government- aided school located in Old Delhi, which has taken the initiative of educating girl children. We found that the school is struggling financially where the students, belonging to poor families, are in dire need of supplies from others. For their basic necessities such as uniform, shoes, books, stationary and even meals, they have to be dependent on donations and funding from others. Needless to say that school teachers as well as other staff members contribute a lot and do their best to help these little children.


We thought, any assistance given to the school in the form of belongings or fund can better the lives of girls studying there. After having it discussed with the school principle, we got to know about the requirements students had currently. As we saw children coming to school bare feet and the same was suggested by the school principle, we donated school shoes to kids who were in much need. We also spent time with the children inside the school and got to know more about them, what difficulties they are facing in their day to day lives. It was sad to know that most of these students are deprived of two meals a day or they do not even get meal for two consecutive days at their homes and above all, most of the students find it impossible to pay Rs 10 as their monthly school fee. Deep down in our heart, we were overwhelmed to see their smiling faces after they received this small gift from us.

Consider once before throwing any of your belongings in the dustbin. Isn’t it better to give it to someone who is in real need of it? Think! What happens if one fine day we who have all the privileges are deprived of any one of the basic utilities, what will we do? Then survival for us will become very very difficult. Isn’t it? So, let us together make this world a better, a wiser place to live in by nurturing each child with care and love and giving them what they want.